We get really excited when our clients decide to incorporate a theme into all of the components and marketing materials for their award programs. Not only do themes make a reward program promotionally enticing, they also make the program fun to participate in. Since I first blogged about award program themes, I have come across many additional themes that I wanted to list for readers and will continue this discussion next week with some best practices for incorporating themes into your reward program. Check out some of our 2015 award program themes here.
Themes that value individuals: A Fortunate Find (images of treasure chests, gold, jewels) and A Rare Treasure (images of four leaf clovers).
Themes for giving thanks and appreciation: Applause Awards (images of clapping and hands), Thumbs Up Awards, Light Bulb Recognition (for innovative ideas and suggestions for improvement), Hats Off Awards (images of top hats) and Token of Appreciation Awards (images of medals, currency and tokens).
Themes for peer to peer recognition programs: Black Board Awards (images of school rooms and apples), Hollywood Walk of Fame (images of names and stars on a sidewalk) and Super Hero Awards.
Themes for working towards goals: Pursuit of Excellence (images of hot air balloons), Reaching for the Sky or Stars, The Extra Mile (images of street signs), Las Vegas Theme (include annual awards for top performers called High Roller and Winners Circle), Gold Rush (with images of 49ers and gold of course), Super Bowl (image of a football field), World Series (image of a baseball field and four bases).
Themes for team incentive programs: Puzzles (images of puzzle pieces fitting together), Sound of Success (images of musical notes and sheet music), Mosaics and Guiding Lights (images of lighthouses and shorelines).
Sales Incentive Program Themes
Themes for contents or competitions: Horse or Car Races, Heat Wave (best for contests taking place in summer time) and Bloomin’ Sales (best for contests taking place in spring).
Themes for ongoing sales incentives: Going the Distance (images of sailboats) and Message in a Bottle (images of the beach and shorelines).
Themes for safety improvement: Construction Zone (images of yellow and black tape, hard hats and the like) and Riding the Wave to Safety (images of surfers, beaches, Hawaiian flowers).
Themes for safety awareness and culture: BINGO (images of bingo balls, cards, movers and markers), Life Savers (images of the candy or life preservers) and PIRATES (acronym for Proactive Injury Reducing Activities to Train Employees about Safety with images of pirates, boats and treasure chests)
Coming up with a theme and artwork for your reward program can be very time consuming and frustrating if you do it by yourself. When you partner with an experienced award program provider, your program can be customized for your organization and theme so that you do not have to work on the graphic design aspect of your program along with trying to figure out how to print out all of your promotional tools.
Have you used an award program theme not mentioned here? Please submit your reward program theme ideas in the comments section! Check back next week when I will discuss best practices for award program themes.